Safety Statistics

Schools and facilities that use Handle With Care see on average a 30-40% reduction in injuries and incidents.

National School Statistics

  • There are approximately 130,000 schools serving 50 million students.  There are approximately 200,000 report serious violent incidents, and 760,000 report violent incidents per year. Many school incidents are not reported to NCES due to classification i.e. special education, incidents referred to law enforcement.
  • 4 out of 5 assaults are against another student, not a teacher or staff member.

Healthcare Statistics

  • More than 70% of assault-induced injuries on workers occurred in health care and social services settings.
  • Healthcare and social services workers are nearly four times more likely to be injured as a result of violence than the average private sector worker.

HWC training addresses problematic behavior early in the cycle thus reducing the number of incidents, injuries, holding times and assaults on staff, teachers, clients, private parties and students.  


  • HWC’s verbal and physical programming including the PRT is used in many thousands of facilities and many tens of thousands applications each year.  HWC has had “0�? catastrophic student and/or client injuries, and very few minor injuries.
  • Nevada State Industrial Insurance System.  Approximately 50% reduction in injuries to clients and staff alike.
  • Hunterdon Developmental Center reduced the number of assault incidents and number of restraints by 62%, and holding times by 50%.
  • New Lisbon Development Center reduced the number of assault incidents by 48%, the number of self-inflicted injuries by 54%, and the use of mechanical restraint by 83%.
  • Rhode Island School experienced a 66% reduction in the number of restraints and injuries after switching to HWC’s program.
  • Minnesota Residential Program experienced a 56% reduction in the number of restraints after switching to HWC’s program
  • OK Youth Program experienced a 62% reduction in the number of restraints after switching to HWC.
  • New York State Union of Teachers. Chose HWC’s program after a nationwide search because it met more of the needs and safety concerns expressed by teachers.  NYSUT, Safety Director.
  • PA School.  Chose HWC because it was safer, better suited for autistic students and resulted in significantly fewer student injuries and teachers out on workers compensation.
  • Excess Insurance Provider for PA, TX, VA Schools.  Contacted HWC to provide information and a presentation to schools not currently using HWC because of the significant difference in compensation claims between schools using HWC and schools not using HWC.