Our Team

Walt Piszchala
Master Trainer
Walt has been a Handle With Care trainer for over a decade. He has an Associates Degree in Mental Health, a Bachelors of Science in Psychology and Master Level Courses in Family Therapy. Walt comes to us with over 30 years experience in child care services. He began his career at a diagnostic residential facility for emotionally disturbed, abused and neglected children ages 5-18 where he oversaw 150 residents and staff. He has been a crisis intervention trainer for over 30 years and served as the first President of the State of Connecticut Facilities Crisis Intervention Committee and served as the Team’s Leader for Critical Incident Stress Debriefing. In 1997 he moved from child care to juvenile justice where he was responsible for all staff development and training needs for a faculty of 475 where he was charged with developing safety and security recommendations and program development for youth in placement. Walt has been through or seen countless crisis intervention and restraint training programs and has been asked to be trainers by several. Out of all the programs he has been trained in and seen, he choose to be a part of our team.