Autism Programs

The current estimate from the U.S Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is that 1 in 68 children have an autism disorder. Handle With Care has been providing specialized crisis intervention training for schools and residential  treatment facilities that educate and care for autistic children and adults for over twenty five years.  If it is possible to measure HWC’s success by the number of agencies and schools that have continuously depended upon our expertise, year after year, we are very successful.
HWC’s primary duty is to help you protect your most challenging children from experiencing any physical or emotional harm or from inflicting any harm upon another.  This necessarily entails mustering all of your faculties and skills to forestall a crisis from taking place by, first, recognizing the usual cycle of escalating tension with the child in question and, second, by interrupting that cycle before anyone is harmed and in a way that preserves your relationship with that child.
On-Site Training

An HWC trainer can go to your facility and provide training for your staff.

Seminar Training

Your organization can send staff to one HWC’s seminars.

For more information contact us: Tel: 845-255-4031; E-mail: [email protected]