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As States begin to reopen, it is important that we are ready and have established protocols in place. The current strategy is to provide a structured and phased guideline for reopening while leaving it up to the Governors of each state, and regions on the exact timing for implementing each phase.  The protocol outlined below is based on the standards and requirements we are seeing across multiple regions and States.  These protocols will vary based on i.e. (1) State requirements; (2) phase of re-opening; (3) whether the training is on-site or via seminar, and (4) the client. This protocol is subject to modification. We're using the best available information at hand. HWC Training Protocols include: Participants attending HWC Training must certify they are healthy and to the best of their knowledge NOT at risk of spreading COVID (i.e. do not have COVID symptoms, do not have COVID and are not in a quarantine or stay at home period if exposed to COVID). Participants who show signs of symptoms of COVID cannot attend training. The room size provided by the organization will meet State distancing or occupancy requirements for the number of Participants expected. Prior to attending everyone (HWC trainers included) will be asked to take their temperature and make an self-health assessment that they are not experiencing COVID symptoms. We're setting 100 degrees Fahrenheit as the maximum temp permitted to participate. Please ask your staff to self-screen their temps at home on the morning of training. Prior to attending the training or entering the training room there will be a sign-in table where temperature will be taken, participants will sanitize or wash their hands, and gloves (hand sanitizing) and masks will be required.  We ask that no one enters the training room until their sign-in process is completed. Masks and gloves stay on unless the person leaves on a break.  When the person returns, s/he must resanitize and change gloves.  The same mask can be kept. Masks stay on unless you need to remove it to speak or breathe.  If the mask is taken off social distancing must be adhered to.  Before the mask is dropped the person must distance 6 feet from the nearest person.  Trainers can drop their mask for longer briefings, explanations, broadcasting training.  The trainer has to be at least 6 feet away if his/her mask is down. Where social distancing cannot be maintained, masks and gloves must be worn. During Personal Defense, each participant will keep the same partner. During the physical restraint training, including "spotting" practice, particpants will be divided into small groups and remain with that group throughout. HWC recommends that participants bring a change of clothing for after training Additionally If there is any question about scheduling HWC training, the Client should check with the State and/or licensing agency as to when training can proceed. There may be last minute schedule adjustments or rescheduling due to COVID i.e. the trainer becomes ill and there is no time to provide a substitute trainer or a substitute trainer is not available, changing COVID protocols, restrictions or limitations. If the last minute cancellation is due to HWC, we will cover HWC (not client) out-of-pocket travel costs.  If the last minute cancellation is due to the organization/client, the organization shall cover any HWC  incurred non-refundable costs.    
Extreme & Violent Student Behavior Pushing Iowa Teachers to Breaking Point
Iowa teachers tell the newsteam they are so overwhelmed by extreme violent behavior they have reached a breaking point.  Most people, I don’t think, realize kind of what’s happening.  We get screamed at and cursed at daily.  I’ve been stabbed with a pencil before. Police reports back the teachers up.  They contain stories of children ages 10 and younger throwing chairs, punching teachers in the face, and leaving bruises on instructors.  One teacher considers herself lucky.  “In terms of what other teachers deal with, I think I’ve been kind of blessed because I’ve never had to go to the hospital.” Teachers regularly have to stop instruction and escort well-behaved children to safety in the hallway while a student having an outburst destroys the classroom.  Teachers are instructed not to place their hands on students unless the child becomes a safety threat to themselves or others. While the current state is unfortunate, the State was told this would happen when it was enacting it's restraint regulations back in 2016.  The Governor, State Attorney General, all the schools and the State Legislature were informed: "Iowa's restraint and physical intervention regulations are unlawful under Iowa Case Law, Statute, and Constitution, including: Iowa Constitution, Section 1 Iowa Code: 704.1, 704.3, 704.4, 704.5 and 707.6 Teachers and schools are immune from liability criminally and civilly for acting in the reasonable defense of self and others. Iowa was further informed that: The reality of the regulation banning prone restraint will force school personnel to call security and law enforcement who will then place the student in a prone hold while shuffling them off to the nearest precinct. In reality, the regulation will do nothing except place the students and school personnel in more danger, while increasing the student’s chances of being involved with law enforcement. Schools that have implemented this policy of calling law enforcement have seen an average of a 22% increase in youth incarceration, an increase in bad behavior in the classroom and significantly more restrictive use of force interventions because the situation was allowed to escalate. Now the above is coming to pass and the teachers and well-behaving students are bearing the burden.
Head thrashing in a PRT
Question: A teacher is asking me how to hold some ones head in the modified PRT.  I have told her that is not a part of Handle with Care and not to do it but she says the students is bashing his head against them and hurting himself and them.  What should I tell her?  Any ideas on how to help her and the student? Answer: I'm not sure how or why you came to believe that protecting the student's head is contrary to HWC protocol.  It's a vitally important piece of our protocol. You can place a hand(s) against the back of his head andor either side as a buffer without forcing his head forward or sideways.  You can also place a pillow or cushion between him and the person holding him.  Don't restrain his head.  Buffer excessive movement. Finally, you should revisit whether the Modified PRT has enough mechanical advantage for this particular student.  If the hold has integrity and the only problem is his head thrashing, it's up to you to make sure neither he nor you will get injured.