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Handle With Care's Response to COVID-19
Re: The COVID-19 Emergency We are receiving requests for guidance on training as it relates to this current emergency.  Whereas, as recently as last week, we were offering the obvious common sense recommendations for conducting training responsibly and safely to minimize the chance of transmission. We now urge you to check the CDC website daily, if not twice a day, for its latest information and recommendations, as the CDC and White House COVID-19 guidelines and protocols have been such a moving target that his emergency is now beyond our ability to forward advice. CDC Website At the top of the CDC page, you will see a link to the White House.  The President recently announced a 15 day maximum effort to interrupt the transmission of the virus which includes the recommendation to limit gatherings to 10 people.  Whitehouse Website If your Company's License and Instructor Re-/Certification is coming due from now until May 15, 2020, we are issuing three month extensions.  This policy will be adjusted as circumstances dictate.  Please call the office for details. As important as training is, maintaining the health of everyone in the HWC family is first and foremost and that includes your students and clients.  While most, if not all schools are closed, many of you are still staffing 24/7 care facilities and hospitals.  We applaud you for your devotion.  We will all get through this together. Please feel free to call me directly at 845-255-4031 for any reason.  If the office is closed, you can reach me 24/7 on my cell: 845-380-7585. Bruce Chapman, President, Handle With Care