Welcome to HWC’s first online newsletter. This past month has been really exciting for Handle With Care. We took a big step forward in advancing HWC’s visibility by entering into the realm of social media.
On The Legislation Front:
While school administrators and teachers are out on vacation, your United States Senate has been busy trying to pass legislation that will adversely affect you without you noticing. If passed, this law will ban schools from using restraint and seclusion all in one foul swoop across the entire United States. Teachers and Aides will no longer be allowed to remove a disruptive student from class; with some students deprived of an education and others a right to treatment. You would think Congress has better things to do than waste their time contemplating legislation that will compromise the safety and rights of teachers and students, alike.
So, for the third time in three years, HWC has submitted our response to this latest attempt at restraint-free legislation. The National School Boards Association (“NASB”) and the American Association of State Administrators (“AASA”) have expressed serious objections to this bill, as well they should. Make your voice heard by contacting Senator Tom Harkin.
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Bruce Chapman, Founder |
Handle With Care Is On Facebook
HWC has entered into the realm of social media.
HWC has entered into the realm of social media. We are asking friends, family, clients and HWC practitioners to go to our Facebook page and click “Like”.
We designed our FB page so that you can access HWC’s schedule, upcoming trainings and blog posts right from facebook. By clicking “Like” you can get notices of HWC’s upcoming training, current events or legislation that may affect you or your agency or school.
HWC Adds Several Trainings To Its Roster
Pre-School/Early Elementary School
While many companies are running away from training parents/foster parents and early childhood staff, HWC believes it is part of our mission. HWC routinely extends the license and certification of schools and clients who want to offer training to parents, caregivers and foster parents. We also directly train parents, caregivers and foster parents. Where HWC’s program for adolescents and adult offer safe and effective intervention techniques for these populations, our system for preschool and early elementary school clinicians and faculty is specially designed to be safe with young children. Read more . . .
Mediation, Communication and Relationship Building
HWC has also added programming to assist staff in their communication and relationship building skills. HWC’s Communication and Relationship training can be taught separately or as part of our overall peer mediation training program. Read more . . .
Current Events
National School Board Association’s Comments to Congress regarding S. 2020 strongly opposed the restriction of the use of restraint and seclusion in planning documents. Read comments . . .
Maine’s newly enacted restraint regulation widely criticized. School staff being trained in compliance see Maine’s restraint regulation “with total negativity.” Maine’s regulation places schools in the untenable position of not being able to stop a child from “tearing things apart” and having to call the police for temper tantrums. Read more . . .
American Association of School Administrators (“AASA”) Releases TWO Reports: How Seclusion and Restraint Protects Students and School Personnel. Read first report . . .
AASA’s SECOND Report was written to denounce proposed Sentate bill S. 2020. AASA’s report supports keeping rules regarding the treatment and behavior management of students in the hands of schools, not the Federal government. The report also recognizes the use of restraint as being therapeutic stating ” that when used in the context of a behavior intervention plan, restraint in some cases serves both a protective and a therapeutic function . . . . Restraint procedures can reduce risks of injury and can facilitate learning opportunities that support appropriate behaviors.” See HWC’s blog for our commentary. Read second report.
Mohave County’s Paul Hernandez, a HWC Instructor, named State Detention Officer of the year. Read more . . .