HWC News & Updates
Hello! This HWC Newsletter focuses on the Horizon. We will explore trends in managing challenging behavior; how science is finally catching up with what HWC has known for decades; new HWC projects and HWC’s advocacy regarding restraint regulations around the country. We hope to inspire you to join our community.
56 % Reduction in number ofrestraints and injuries
Company experiences a 56% reduction in number of restraints and injuries one year after switching to HWC.
This experience is not unique, most schools, hospital and facilities that switch to HWC experience a 30-50% on average reduction in number of restraints and injuries.
One reason: HWC uses definitive not tentative touch.
Tentative v. Definitive Touch: How science is finally catching up with reality
There is a distinction between tentative v. definitive touch that science is finally catching up with. Science is finding that tentative touch overstimulates, excites and further agitates someone whereas definitive touch creates safe-feeling, calm and secure therapeutic state of mind.
A holding method that is tentative does not convey clear and safe parameters reflects and belies the fear, apprehension and absence of commitment of the person or people performing the hold.
A hold like HWC’s PRT, communicates calmness and certainty and helps to reproduce a state of calm in the child and a more rapid return to emotional homeostasis and equilibrium. In other words, a definitive touch hold performed by someone with a benign heart produces a more rapid return to a calm mind state.
Current Events: Indiana Public Schools – what happens when school policy prevents teachers from stopping fights
A girl was attacked at an Indianapolis Public School (“IPS”) by a male student. A cell phone video captured the attack involving a male student viciously beating a girl while a teacher watches.
The teacher never intervenes because according to IPS policy, staffers are not allowed to put their hands on students.
Find out why IPS’s policy is both ill-advised and illegal.
Wave of States looking to enact laws regarding restraint and seclusion in schools
Legislation at the Federal level to regulate restraint and seclusion in schools has repeatedly failed.
As a result states are being lobbied by advocacy groups to pass restraint laws. The following states have recently proposed or enacted restraint laws: VA, AZ, CT and WA.
Contact us to request a legal synopsis of restraint law in your state.